Together we ride for Veterans past, presence & future, for God & Country

Director: Rick Curry
(520) 907-4008
Assist Director/Membership: Theresa Degard
(520) 664-5673
Secretary: Vacant
Finance Officer: Dave Degard
(602) 350-0023
Road Captain: Bob Carfagno
(520) 401-0422
Sgt at Arms: Charlie Tyszkiewicz
(520) 549-9220
Chaplain: Michaele Chapman
(520) 248-8500
Chaplain: April Moss
(520) 891-2288
Communications: Vacant
Past Director: Steve Lemmon
(520) 288-6200
-Historian: Vacant
In November 2004, three couples: John & Sandra Tyszkiewicz, Steve & Patty Seiben and Kenneth & Nicole Cassidy received approval from Post 109 to start a Riders group. Steve Seiben was the first ALR President. One of the first items on the agenda was a food drive, then the annual Turkey Run and Hog Run. The proceeds went to the Salvation Army.
In April of 2005, the newly formed ALR group from Post 109 joined forces with Post 36 to bring the traveling Vietnam wall to Tucson. Together they raised $10.000.00 in order to have the wall brought to the VA Hospital. By this time the group had grown to 15 members. The monthly ALR Rib Dinner also started in 2005. At that time it was BBQ chicken and pork ribs. This small group also adopted a family from Christmas Angels.
To this day the ALR at Post 109 has an annual Turkey Run, providing Thanksgiving meals to local families, and participates in the Christmas Angels programs in area schools. In addition, Riders have added numerous charitable and fund-raising events as the need arises.
For the Fiscal year 2013 – 2014, ALR Post 109 has 167 members, logged 103,500 miles and contributed $3,921.00 to Veterans issues, charitable causes, community events and American Legion National. Many of the Riders also ride with the Patriot Guard. Thad Baker, alone, averages 3000 per month on PGR missions.
ALR109 has grown to be one of the largest ALR groups in Arizona but has never forgotten its history or the reason members are called American Legion Riders.
When you wear our PATCH, you wear it with RESPECT, PRIDE and HONOR
All ALR members shall strive to maintain the image of The American Legion, at all times upholding The American Legion name and emblem, which symbolizes the integrity and principles of this great organization.
All shall avoid the perception of being a "motorcycle club" or biker club". The only recognized American Legion Rider logo is that which is copyrighted and sold through The American Legion National Emblem sales.
No use of rockers with the ALR patch because touching the patch violates trademark laws of the ALR patch.
Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes
Monthly Membership Meetings Minutes
Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes
15921 South Houghton Road, Vail, Arizona 85641, United States
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